And lo, the tenure of 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' has come to an end once again, leaving Jay to walk off into that darling sunset with Jimmy Fallon waiting in the wings and a bitter Conan O'Brien making the only jokes. Jay's first-ever guest Billy Crystal joined the late-night host last night to bookend the run, bringing with him a cavalcade of guest stars to send Jay off in style before the
It was just announced that Oprah Winfrey has been named CEO of the OWN network. Am I missing something? ...Hasn't it always been her "OWN"?
The Queen of Talk had pledged to dedicate herself more fully to OWN with the end of her syndicated talk show in May, and with Wednesday's move she did it with a vengeance -- signaling that she'll try to personally put the network in order...
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First it was trans-fats. Then it was nuts. Then carbohydrates. The current food ingredient to avoid is gluten. In the last few years, the U.S. food industry has invested heavily in reformulating their products to strip them of as much gluten content as possible...