national parks

$10 Senior Lifetime Pass For National Parks Expected To Go Up; $70 Increase Before The End Of The Year
$10 Senior Lifetime Pass For National Parks Expected To Go Up; $70 Increase Before The End Of The Year
$10 Senior Lifetime Pass For National Parks Expected To Go Up; $70 Increase Before The End Of The Year
They say that we should never grumble about growing older as it's a privilege that not everyone gets to experience.  Plus,  there are many perks to take advantage of - from discounts at restaurants to the lifetime fishing license.  Seniors have also been able to purchase a Lifetime Pass to the National Park System for only $10;  however, if you're 62 or older and want to get one for yourself, you'
Sunday Solar Eclipse Visible From National Parks
Sunday Solar Eclipse Visible From National Parks
Sunday Solar Eclipse Visible From National Parks
This Sunday there will be a Solar eclipse, and this time most of the National Parks will be able to share in the excitement. Unlike some of years past, it's been a gathering on a hill or great vantage point that people have enjoyed a solar eclipse. Thirty-three national parks will see the full effect. Many western parks will be offering an array of events for their guests, ranging from placing