A group of scientists and researchers looked at the now famous 'Yanny' or 'Laurel' audio to determine what is being said and why people hear it differently.
We all feel this kid's pain.
This boy goes into a bawling free-for-all when the internet stops working. According to the YouTube description:
This is how my son reacted when the Holiday Inn Express changed the credentials to the Wi-Fi access, and he wasn't able to log onto YouTube to see Transformers movie scenes on his iPad...
Digital pranksters have struck again. This time with a flaw that impacts Safari and Chrome browsers on most devices (phone, tablet, laptop/desktop). NBC News is reporting the "prank" tricks people into clicking or tapping on links that will crash your browser by overloading them with some code.
Many people have figured out how to use the internet to make money. Sometimes you show off your singing skills, your songwriting, or acting. Sometimes you show off a product. Well this girl is different.
There are so many options online now to get a date. Depending on how serious you are there are sites to order a wife, there are sites that brag they are so good you will be married. There are sites for casual dating, or something else.
If you mention Oregon Trail to people of a certain age, you'll undoubtedly get a reaction of excitement and nostalgia. Thanks to The Internet Archive, you'll now be able to play this classic and several hundred others for free online.
So she's done it again. The woman who's famous for no reason is all the talk on the web - and this time she's promising to "break the internet" - at least that's what her nearly-naked magazine cover suggests.