
How Do I Know That My Rhubarb Is Ripe?
How Do I Know That My Rhubarb Is Ripe?
How Do I Know That My Rhubarb Is Ripe?
Now I believe we might be still a LITTLE early for rhubarb harvesting, BUT if you have a plant that's ready by all means enjoy! The window for great rhubarb is a short one, so we've got to enjoy this summertime treat when we can!
I Need Your Opinion And Suggestions, Is A Rock Garden Worth The Time?
I Need Your Opinion And Suggestions, Is A Rock Garden Worth The Time?
I Need Your Opinion And Suggestions, Is A Rock Garden Worth The Time?
We have owned our house for over 12 years and for all those years this area has looked just like this.  We believe at one point there use to be a rock garden there, see the big rock?  Now it just gets mowed around and looks horrible, is the attempt at making it a rock garden worth it?  Do people even have rock gardens anymore?

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