
Which States Charge the Most to Insure a New Car?
Which States Charge the Most to Insure a New Car?
Which States Charge the Most to Insure a New Car?
The cost of new cars doesn’t vary much from state-to-state, but the cost of insuring one absolutely does. In fact, auto insurance can cost as much as three times the national average in some states. A new survey finds various state laws, weather, theft rates, and the overall percentage of uninsured drivers are just some of the factors leading to such drastic price disparities. So where will your w
Car Buyers Beware: Nine Notorious Scams
Car Buyers Beware: Nine Notorious Scams
Car Buyers Beware: Nine Notorious Scams
One thing I will never understand is the biggest purchases of our lives we pay the least attention to details. I don't want this to be information that say ALL CAR DEALERS ARE BAD, because that is not the case. I do think like anything else, there are bad and there are good...
Flying Car Now One Step Closer to Reality [VIDEO]
Flying Car Now One Step Closer to Reality [VIDEO]
Flying Car Now One Step Closer to Reality [VIDEO]
Like the robot maid, the flying car is part of our 'Jetsons'-promised future that has yet to materialize. But that could change soon. Last month, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration granted the Transition Roadable Aircraft a series of special exemptions, effectively making the plane-car hybrid street-legal.
Investigating the Dreaded ‘Check Engine’ Alert
Investigating the Dreaded ‘Check Engine’ Alert
Investigating the Dreaded ‘Check Engine’ Alert
I used to drive a car whose check engine light was always on, even though I got it checked, it was still on for no reason. My car now features a "low tire" light. My tires are fine.  Read on, there's more to it than just an annoying light...