600 year old book

A 600-Year Old Book Is Found
A 600-Year Old Book Is Found
A 600-Year Old Book Is Found
How cool is it to see a piece of history like this? Kudos to the owner who wants people to see it, rather than putting it up for sale. The town museum in Sandy, UT, was holding an antiques fundraiser, inviting residents to donate money to find out how much their valuables were worth. A rare book dealer, Ken Sanders, could not stop looking at what may have been the biggest findings of his career,
A 600-Year-Old Book Is Found
What a find. One  question I have is how did it last that long without deteriorating, and I wonder where/how it was stored? The town museum in Sandy, UT, was holding an antiques fundraiser, inviting residents to donate money to find out how much their valuables were worth...