A tragic incident took place during the early morning hours of Friday, July 17, involving an off-duty sergeant with the Superior Police Department that took the life of a 23-year-old man from Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

The incident involved two vehicles, one of which was being driven by off-duty Superior Police Sergeant Greg Swanson, who was reportedly intoxicated.

Dan Hanger, from FOX 21 in Duluth, shared the incident report issued by Superior Police Chief Nicholas Alexander. It read in part:

Around 1:15 AM this morning, July 15th, 2022 there was a severe two-vehicle car crash in the 5200 block of E. 2nd Street. Both vehicles were northbound on E. 2nd Street at the time of the accident and it appears to have been a rear end style crash. The crash resulted in the death of a 23 year old male, believed to be from Eau Claire, WI.
That vehicle contained three other occupants, two of whom have been transported to a local hospital, their status is unknown at this time.
The driver of the other vehicle was determined to be an off-duty Superior Police Officer, Sergeant Greg Swanson. The Superior Police Department has a practice of requesting an outside agency to investigate critical incidents that involve our officers. The purpose of this is to maintain transparency and to help promote public confidence in the process.
As a result the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, and the Wisconsin State Patrol, were requested to investigate this incident. The initial investigation has resulted in the arrest of Sergeant Greg Swanson, by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office for homicide by intoxicated use of a motor vehicle and he is currently being held in the Douglas County Jail. Sergeant Swanson, a 15 year veteran, has been placed on Administrative Leave, per department policy, while the investigation continues.

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Superior Police Chief Alexander extended his sympathies to the family while adding that further inquiries regarding the investigation should be directed to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Wisconsin State Patrol.

CBS 3 Duluth confirmed Saturday that 23-year-old Michael Evans was killed. He had been traveling with his 24-year-old girlfriend Laura Ojanen and their two children. The family was traveling home after celebrating Evans’ birthday when their car ran out of gas.

It was then that Michael Evans got out to push the car, which was ultimately struck from behind by Greg Swanson. Evans was killed in the crash while Ojanen and their two-month-old son Elijah were hospitalized.

Since this tragedy, a GoFundMe effort has been started by a friend of the family, with the initial goal of raising $10,000 for surviving family members.

The GoFundMe page states:

My best friend got hit by a drunk police Sgt last night. The crash immediately killed her partner making her a single mom of 2 boys. Her 2 month old infant has been airlifted to the cities with a severe brain bleed. The accident totalled her only vehicle. Her boyfriend also has a daughter that will now grow up without her father. *All donations go to the mother*


As of Sunday, July 17, there was over $9,000 raised for the surviving family members. Donation continue to come in and the hope is that the initial goal will be far exceeded.

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