Superior Public Library Re-Starts Book Returns
The Superior Public Library has largely remained accessible to the general public during the shutdown caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic; through a network of online requests and curbside pickup options, patrons have been able to obtain the books and materials that they've wanted.
One thing that has been in place during the shutdown has been the hold on book and material returns; staff at the Superior Public Library has been requesting that patrons who have checked out materials to keep them for the time being and not return them. That's changing.
The Superior Public Library is now accepting returns of library materials. While the front doors are still closed to the general public (and they continue to offer curbside pickup), they welcome returns in the outdoor book drop that's located in front of the library. Library staff is assuring the general public that they're allowed to drop DVD's, CD's, and other items that aren't normally accepted in that manner, in the drop box.
While the doors are still closed to the general public for the time being, patrons are reminded that they can call to request items and schedule curbside pickup; the phone number to dial is 715-394-8860; the Superior Public Library has librarians and staff on hand to answer the phones weekdays - Monday through Friday - 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM and again from 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM.
To get more details and to check out the variety of services available (even during the pandemic shutdown), click here to visit the Superior Public Library's website.