After noticing a plume of smoke this evening, I started doing a little research to see what it was. As I dug around to see what was causing the smoke, I saw that the National Weather Service reported seeing the plume on one of their cameras as well. They tweeted a photo about an hour before the time of this story's publishing, just after I noticed the smoke. Someone commenting on the post reported seeing smoke earlier this afternoon as well, though I have not been able to verify that.

In some information CBS3 was able to get from the Superior Fire Department, it was reported that a fire crew is on the scene, responding to a fire at the landfill. The cause of the fire is undisclosed at this time, but whatever caused it, the blaze is leading to a smoke plume visible from well across the harbor.

You can see in the zoomed-in version of the photo I captured that it is on what looks like the southern edge of the landfill site.

Nick Cooper - TSM Duluth
Nick Cooper - TSM Duluth

The plume is even showing up on Duluth's weather radar, seen below.

CBS 3 also reports that heavy equipment is on the scene to "move garbage strategically" so crews can fight the fire. Superior's fire chief told CBS3 that fires have happened at the landfill in the past, and generally they take a few hours to extinguish.

As of 9:39, the blaze continues to burn. A photo taken from across the harbor in Duluth shows a large area glowing in the distance. The second image is zoomed in.

TSM Duluth
TSM Duluth
TSM Duluth
TSM Duluth

We'll update this story with the latest as more information becomes available.

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