In case you've missed it - there's an election coming up.  With voters all across the country set to head to the polls on Tuesday, November 3, there's also an increased attention on absentee ballots this election cycle. Officials with St. Louis County are reminding voters who may have already applied for an absentee ballot earlier - like during the primary election - that they only need to apply once for each election cycle.

Part of the problem might stem from independent third-party mailings.  According to St. Louis County election officials, there's been an onslaught of organizations sending people information - both via regular U.S. Mail and online - with information on how to vote by absentee ballot.  Those mailings and reminders - while they might be intended to be helpful - have stirred a lot of questions from people who aren't sure if their registration was received or if they need to apply again.  Some of those individuals are taking the mailings as an assumption that they need further action.

St. Louis County is assuring voters that absentee ballots were mailed out beginning late last week after the early voting period started.  It's currently taking about a week to process new requests for absentee ballots. However, if you have already applied for an absentee ballot - especially if you already voted that way in the primary election this past spring, there is no need to re-apply.   You can always check your absentee ballot status or mail ballot at any time by clicking here.  Additional information on how to apply for an absentee ballot can be found by clicking here.

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