St. Louis County Names Derek Harbin New Mine Inspector
There's a new Mine Inspector in the county! And considering the long-time importance of the mining industry in the Northland, it's a significant appointment.
Derek Harbin is now the official County Mine Inspector - making the Assistant role he performed for St. Louis County the last two years permanent. The swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for March 26 at the county board meeting that will be held in Babbitt.
Harbin comes to his role with mining experience. Prior to the Assistant Mine Inspector assignment, he worked in the mines, in mine management, and as a mine safety professional.
As earlier stated, the position hold importance in the local industry. A description of his duties was included as part of the counties news release:
The Mine Inspector role is set by state statute, and St. Louis County has had such a position since 1904. Responsibilities include checking active mining properties to determine that the mining and processing is done in a safe manner; conducting accident investigations to determine the causes of accidents, and taking steps to prevent similar types of accidents in the future; and inspecting the fencing around all 285 inactive mines in St. Louis County to reduce access to hazardous areas, and assist in locating abandoned mine shafts that are potential hazards.