LeBron James Says ‘Space Jam: A New Legacy’ Is ‘Not a Sequel’
It’s due out in theaters — and on HBO Max now — in about seven months, but we’ve still seen almost nothing in terms of trailers or images from Space Jam: A New Legacy, the follow-up to the beloved ’90s Looney Tunes movie starring Michael Jordan alongside Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and the rest of their animated buddies. We’ve got a logo, we’ve seen LeBron James’ Tune Squad uniform, and .... that’s about it.
LeBron himself just described the film’s plot in far greater detail than we’ve heard anywhere before — and he insisted the film is not a sequel. In an appearance on Road Trippin’, LeBron explained “it’s called Space Jam: A New Legacy. It’s not Space Jam 2. It’s Space Jam: A New Legacy.”
He did confirm that there is a basketball game in the movie, though, and that his opponents would be “some people that are a little bit out of this world.” But, they are not the Monstars from the original Space Jam. (“You can call them that. They have a different name,” James said.)
As for the theme of the movie, he explained that the story is really about him and his son:
It’s more of a family movie. It’s a parenting movie between me and my son and me trying to demand my son to do something because I was taught that way growing up. Demand my son to play basketball. ‘This is all you’re gonna do, this is how you do it.’ And me as a parent not listening to my son, and not believing in what my son is great at.
LeBron’s character then needs to “regain that trust” with his son “along with the great Bugs Bunny and Lola and Taz and Tweety and all of them.” As a parent, I really wish I had Bugs Bunny around to fix things whenever my kids and I aren’t getting along.
James also revealed he’s about to go in for reshoots on the film. Space Jam: A New Legacy opens in theaters and premieres on HBO Max on July 16, 2021. You can watch James’ comments on the film below.
Gallery — All the Warner Bros. Movies Coming to HBO Max in 2021:
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