Rayman Interviews The Fastest Rising Star In Blues, Nikki Hill Appearing At Bluesfest
One of the fastest rising stars in Blues is Nikki Hill. She only started performing live in 2011, and in less than three years has achieved what takes years for many other artists. Her reviews by the Times Picayune, Chicago Tribune, and Rolling Stone have been amazing, and she's only just begun.
Her music is a mixture of rock and roll and blues, and is pure excitement. She really knows how to get the crowd going, and once you've seen Nikki Hill, you'll not forget her any time soon, for sure.
Come see Nikki Hill perform at this years 25th Annual Bayfront Blues Festival, Sunday August 11th at 2 p.m. You can purchase your 3 day pass at either bayfrontblues.com or in person at the Electric Fetus. Single day passes are available at a reduced price as well, but must be purchased on-line only.
If you enjoy rock and blues, gets your tickets today to see Nikki Hill! Enjoy the interview.