P.I.G.S. To Ride For The Kids, This Saturday, Live Music, Fun, and Raising Money For St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
The P.I.G.S. are a group of people that like to ride motorcycles, they look tough, but I know them all as caring individuals that have helped or donated for many organizations. They have helped special needs people, vets, and now children.
This weekend they will be raising money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and if you love to ride, you are invited to join them as they give from their hearts while enjoying a fun ride.
The PIGS are very well know for their successful benefits and Vets rides and have decided to help the children by teaming up with B105 and KOOL 101.7 to raise money to benefit the cancer and other catastrophic disease research done at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
The 1st annual ride will be this Saturday, September 26 starting at Grumpy’s, 3823 East 2nd Street in Superior. Register from 10:30-noon. Then, take a ride through Wisconsin on the Delta Drummond viewing the beautiful fall colors. Then the ride will end at the Tower Avenue Tavern 105 in South Superior. If you can't make the ride, or you don't have a bike, you are invited to show up at 6pm for games, prizes, a hog roast and dance to the band Shocker. Cost is $15 for single riders, $25 for doubles with proceeds benefiting the families and research at St. Jude. Hot rods are also welcome.
I have talked to the PIGS before and they are always curious how they could get involved because they do so many rides for the Vets. I said, do what you do best, ride and throw a big party to raise money. This is the first year but I think this will be a success.
If you are interested in contacting the PIGS click here
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