Northland Warrant Resolution Events Scheduled
Head up if you or someone you know has outstanding warrants in the State of Minnesota: a series of three different Warrant Resolution Events are scheduled for the last part of January in Duluth and Cloquet. Billed as a "one-stop" activity, the events bring together various members of the Criminal Justice Community into one location - expediting the process of getting outstanding warrants cleared out and taken care of.
Individuals who attend should bring with them all necessary forms of identification and any criminal paperwork they may have. At each of the events, there will be representatives from the following offices:
- Public Defender
- Duluth (or Cloquet) City Attorney
- St. Louis County (or Carlton County) Attorney
- St. Louis County (or Carlton County)Probation
- St. Louis County (or Carlton County) Sheriff
- Driver Diversion Program
A variety of items can be taken care of on-site - including:
- Speaking with a Public Defender
- Speaking with a Prosecuting Attorney
- Arrange to pay outstanding fines
- Get details about the Community Connect Program
In addition, there will be a free lunch available at each site.
Here are the dates and locations:
- Wed, January 23, 2019 - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM in Cloquet, at the Journey Church - 1400 Washington Avenue
- Thurs, January 24, 2019 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Duluth, at the Damiano Center - 206 West 4th Street
- Fri, January 25, 2019 - 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM in Duluth, at the Life House - 102 West 1st Street; this event is billed as for youth ages 15-24.