After rolling out as the "next best thing" - with claims that it would allow unlimited storage and access, the cloud-technology is taking a hit;  There's simply not as much space as advertised.

The supply of wireless data in the United States -- the stuff that lets us use the internet on our smartphones and tablets -- is fast disappearing, as reported by CNN Money, which found the crisis pressing enough to warrant a week of dedicated coverage.

Consumers -- and music fans in particular -- are already feeling the squeeze. As a recent example, AT&T reneged last month on its promise to provide unlimited data to customers who ordered and paid for it. Not only does AT&T not sell unlimited data plans anymore, but it won't even honor the ones it already sold, despite pledging to grandfather those users in (if they agree never to tether their computers to their phones and abide by other annoying restrictions). If you were counting on AT&T to let you stream all the music you wanted, well, you no longer can.

The solution may involve limiting consumers access.

As the bandwidth crunch continues, we expect to see bargain plans proliferate along with new ways of throttling accounts when they play too much music or watch too much video. Are music fans really going to want to listen to another hour of music if it means they might lose the ability to read web pages or use Facebook by the end of the month? Maybe, but they won't use the cloud to do it.

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