New Owners Mean Duluth’s Viking Ship May Move
In 1927 a Norwegian Captain named Gerhard Folgero made the same journey that Legendary Viking Leif Erikson made when he came to North America.
Folgero even made it in a boat very similar to the one that Erikson did. Folgero built the 42-foot boat and had a dragon's head on the bow. He put Shields on the sides and hired a small crew to sail safely to Duluth, Minnesota, and docked it right in the port.
According to MPR News, the boat sits in storage, after a small face-lift, looking for someone to pay the $400,000 bill it will take to restore it back to a good condition. The Duluth City council voted to donate the boat to the local non-profit group Save Our Ship. After 30 years of fundraising, the group has only raised $200,000. That means hard decisions have to be made.

MPR News says the ship was fixed a little bit when in 1985 it was ready to fall apart. When it first came to Duluth, it was not the intention of the owner when he donated it to the city Of Duluth, that volunteers would take care of it. So now there are two major investors who have made offers for the boat. One offer brings the ship up the North Shore to Knife River, which the group is not happy about. The other is a couple of Duluth Businesses that want to put it in Canal Park with a structure that would house the boat.
MPR News says a decision will be made this Summer where the ship will end up. In my opinion, it's a shame it's been in a place that most people couldn't walk around it and enjoy or in a building that could have protected it. I think it should go somewhere that it shows off where our city started and what the ship would have looked like while keeping it safe from the elements.