MNDOT’s Name A Snowplow Contest Returns For A 3rd Year! Submit Your Entries Today
It's back by popular demand and promising to be more fun than before! The Minnesota Department of Transportation has brought back their Name A Snowplow for a third consecutive year and they're soliciting entries on their website.
Similar to the last two years, MNDOT is looking to add creative names to some of the snowplows in their fleet - one in each of the eight districts throughout the state. The contest is a way of making the treachery and boredom of a long Minnesotan winter go by a little faster.
Now through Friday, December 16, you can enter your name submissions using the online form on the their website. MNDOT is encouraging people to submit their "most witty, unique, and Minnesota- or winter-themed snowplow name ideas".
While the agency is open to most any submission, there are a few simple rules to follow:
- Each person may only submit one name
- Submissions are limited to no more than 30 characters (including letters and spaces)
- No vulgarities or profanities
- Politically-inspired names (including phrases, slogans, or plays on politicians' names) will not be considered. MNDOT is looking to keep the snowplow naming contest nonpartisan and nonpolitical
- Past winners will not be considered.
To both get ideas and to make sure that you're re-nominating a past winner, MNDOT has the complete list of past years' winners available on their website.
Once the submission period closes on December 16, staffers from the Minnesota Department of Transportation will review all of the submissions, select some of the best ideas, and invite the public to vote on their favorites during a general voting period.
That general voting period will start in January 2023. The eight names that get the most votes during that process will make their way onto a snowplow in each district across the state.