Minnesota State Parks Could See Entrance Fees Increase Soon
Governor Dayton's new budget proposal requests the legislature increase entrance fees for the public to Minnesota's state parks in an effort to "maintain the vitality" of the parks. The fee increase would be a minimal bump from the current rates, but officials say it would help raise about $2.3 million over two years that would significantly help in efforts to help keep the parks well-maintained attractions for in-state and out of state visitors.
The proposal lays out the importance of maintaining the parks as a part of an overall investment in the state's $13 billion tourism industry, which has a big impact on rural communities; where most of the state's parks are.
Current daily park entrance fees are $5 per vehicle, and would increase to $6 per day according to the plan. Annual passes would increase from $25 to $30. Surveys conducted by the Parks and Trails division of the DNR reportedly show high support among the public and legislators for the increase.
The last time fees were increased for Minnesota's state parks was in 2003.