As of 11 am Monday, May 18, the Miller Hill Mall will reopen for business after being closed since mid-March due to COVID-19. A handful of businesses had previously been open for curbside service, but the full reopening will give customers access to more stores in the facility as stores within the building make the decision to reopen. 

Simon Properties, which owns the Miller Hill Mall, has laid out in a document on their website new safety protocols to help mitigate the spread of the virus and protect customers and workers on premises.

Included in the new procedures are detailed guidelines for tenants and their employees, facility staff, and for customers. There will be enhanced sanitizing efforts, protective equipment for employees, and an emphasis on social distancing and limiting the number of people in a space at a time, among other things

From the perspective of a customer, here are some of the key things to know:

  • Additional hand sanitizing stations will be available
  • Social distancing will be enforced by things like markers, dividers, and staff/security reminding customers to socially distance
  • Public seating/eating areas will be reduced and/or reconfigured to allow
    for minimum separation of 6 feet between persons
  • Every other sink and urinal will be blocked off in restrooms to encourage proper distancing with signage encouraging good hygiene
  • The following common touchpoints will be unavailable temporarily:
    • Child Play Areas
    • Drinking Fountains
    • Valet Use
    • Strollers

Occupancy limitations are a part of the new safety guidelines, emphasizing a limit of human occupancy within the property to a maximum density of 50 square feet per person.

Customers are also asked to observe the following:

  • Self-Screening – Perform a self-health check prior to visiting the property. Anyone with a temperature greater than 100.4°F or who has flu-like symptoms (e.g., cough, body aches) will be advised not to visit the property
  • Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Use
    • Customers will be encouraged to wear facial coverings as recommended by the CDC
    • Free masks and sanitizing wipe packets will be available to shoppers at designated entrances or at the mall office
  • Social Distancing – Customers will be encouraged and reminded to maintain 6 feet of separation with others by way of:
    • On-property signage
    • Public service announcements
    • Active and ongoing encouragement by property security staff
  • Personal Hygiene
    • Refrain from touching their nose, mouth, and eyes
    • Wash their hands on a frequent basis with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds
    • Use sanitizer stations in the common areas of the property to keep their hands clean

These are just some highlights of the full guidelines document issued by Simon.

Also stressed by the mall is the importance of anyone that employees and shoppers alike should stay home if they have had any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms within 72 hours to limit potential exposure to others.

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