Maryland Man Finishes Marathon in Flip Flops
For anybody to run a full marathon in under three hours and finish in the top one percent of racers is pretty impressive but to do it while wearing flip flops? That might just make the record book.
Maryland runner Keith Levasseur finished last weekend’s Baltimore Marathon in 2:46:58 while wearing the less-than-ideal running footwear, finishing 29th among over 3,000 race finishers. He said later that running uphill and over cobblestones and railroad tracks were tough, but he suffered no worse injury than a spot on top of his foot that was rubbed raw.
Levasseur said he will file paperwork with the Guinness Book of World Records to have his feat officially recognized. But he said he has no plans to improve on his mark. "Many friends have asked if I'll do it again and my answer has been a resounding 'no,'" Levasseur said. "If someone breaks the record, I will simply congratulate them."
We completed a marathon in flip flips one summer. We got drunk at a beach bar and ran 26 miles away from the cops when they caught us peeing in a newspaper box.
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