Luke Hendrickson Plays The Twin Ports, Do You Know Him?
Luke is the perfect reason why I am doing this Music Tour. I want people to learn about the artists that are out of work, maybe you will learn about a new one, like Luke.
Luke started when he was in his teens with a guitar his Mom got him at a thrift store. She taught him some chords on the guitar He then moved on to the bass and took that instrument a little more seriously. Luke says he is the only one that really went after music but the appreciation is family-wide.
When he started he was all about AC/DC and other rock bands. His taste changed as he got older and soon was into Hank Williams, Hank Jr, and Waylon Jennings.
Luke plays Duluth and Superior every once in a while, and you can purchase his music in the Electric Fetus. You can connect with the links below.