Local Partnership Installs 1,200 Smoke Detectors In Duluth Homes
Hundreds of Duluth homes are safer thanks to a program set up by local agencies. The Duluth Fire Department in conjunction with the American Red Cross Serving Northern Minnesota partnered up to purchase and install smoke detectors in Northland homes.
The safety program was established in October 2014. Since that time, the agencies have procured and installed 1,265 detectors in more than 362 homes. Recipients weren't charged for the units and the detectors were professionally installed by representatives of the fire department and the Red Cross. The installations are part of a larger mission of the Red Cross - where they have provided over 5,000 free smoke detectors in a 17-county area.
Current and serviceable smoke detectors are the most-effective way of saving lives in the event of a fire. Everyone is reminded to make sure that they have smoke detectors installed in their dwelling and that they have working batteries. Fire officials also suggest replacing units that are more than 10 years old to insure their reliability.
If you would like to request a new smoke detector as part of the Duluth Fire Department and Red Cross program, call 612-466-2674 or click here.