Last Chance, Grandma’s Marathon Registration Done June 1st
If you are planning on running in the 42nd annual Grandma's Marathon it's time. June 1st it will close when it's full or when it's midnight.
The country’s 11th largest marathon has announced registration will close on June 1 at 11:59 p.m. or if the race course capacity of 9,000 runners is met beforehand. Runners can sign-up for Grandma’s Marathon by visiting GrandmasMarathon.com. The entry fee is currently $145.
Grandma's Marathon weekend also features the Whipper Snapper races for kids at 2 pm June 15th, the 25th annual William A. Irvin 5K that evening. The 28th annual Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon is Saturday, June 16 at 6:15 a.m. and the 42nd Grandma's Marathon is at 7:45 am. Registration for both the half marathon and 5K are closed.
In all, more than 18,000 runners from around the world will participate in Grandma's Marathon weekend, which is presented by Members Cooperative Credit Union and Toyota. For more information on any of Grandma's Marathon’s races or events, visit the website below or call (218) 727-0947.