‘Jurassic World: Dominion’ All the References to the Original Film
It’s billed as “The Epic Conclusion of the Jurassic Era.”
It’s Jurassic World: Dominion, the final third of the Jurassic World trilogy, and the sixth movie in the overall Jurassic Park franchise. Fittingly for “the epic conclusion” of an era, the movie unites the casts of both halves of its story: Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum from the Jurassic Park series, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard from Jurassic World.
Even more fittingly, the film around them, which concerns a race to save humanity from potential extinction, is filled with references to and Easter eggs from the previous Jurassic Parks and Worlds. Long-lost characters make surprising returns. Forgotten old props make crucial appearances. Memorable shots are recreated. Vintage lines get repeated, and dangling subplots from the earlier films get resolved.
A lot of these callbacks will be obvious to casual Jurassic Park fans, but some are pretty obscure. A few are barely even acknowledged onscreen; you just have to know this stuff well enough to recognize it when it pops up. If you missed any of them, here are all the most clever Jurassic Park references in Jurassic World: Dominion.
Jurassic Park Easter Eggs in Jurassic World: Dominion

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