How well do you know Minnesota and all its glory?

Sure, you can pick out a prominent Minnesota landmark out of a lineup of photos, but can you recognize said landmark from the sky? These are well-known landmarks that all Minnesotans should know, but seeing them from an eagle's eye view, maybe not as easy as you'd think.

Also See: Check Out the 10 Most Breathtaking Waterfalls in Minnesota.

I had a lot of fun with this article. Some were super challenging to identify, others were fairly easy, one is definitely a freebie. At least you know you have one out of 14 right - guaranteed. You're welcome! ;)

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Are you ready to test your skills? If I wasn't the one to put this quiz together and had taken it myself, I probably would have only guessed maybe half of them correctly. See if you can beat me.

Scroll slowly, because the answer is right below the picture. No cheating.

Can You Identify These Prominent Minnesota Landmarks on Google Earth?

Some are real easy, others not so much! How Minnesotan are YOU?

Gallery Credit: Samm Adams

So, how'd you do? Feeling super Minnesotan today? Keep scrolling to read about the things all Minnesotans should do before they die and see how many of them you've done!

I may have been born and raised here, but I am definitely slacking on this list. Adding them all to my near future bucket list, not going to lie.

Listen to Curt St. John and Samm Adams in the Morning weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5

12 Minnesota Adventures You Need to do Before You Die

How many of these epic Minnesota adventures have you been on?

Gallery Credit: Samm Adams

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