UNDATED (WJON News) -- The Farmers' Almanac swung and missed badly on its winter prediction for the midwest, but came back and nailed the spring prediction of chilly temperatures and rainy conditions.

In fact, this was the 6th wettest April on record in St. Cloud.

The Farmers' Almanac summer prediction for the region including Minnesota calls for warm temperatures and seasonally stormy conditions.

The publication says when the summer solstice arrives on June 20th, much of the country will see thunderstorm activity.

The stormy conditions are predicted to persist through July and August, especially east of the Mississippi River. Still, the Farmers' Almanac says we could see near-normal or below-normal precipitation here in the North Central region.

A sneak peek toward fall has the Farmers' Almanac predicting frigid and wet conditions here in the Midwest.


Farmers' Almanac
Farmers' Almanac




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