Minnesota Couple Shocked By What Popped Up While Ice Fishing
I have only been ice fishing one time in my entire life and I was terrified the whole time convinced that I was going to fall through the ice. Even though it was perfectly safe and mid-February in Ely in a nice little warm shack I was shook.
I also was told after 3 different times looking into the hole in the ice and saying that I saw a fish I was told I needed to move to another seat in the fish house. I guess it is probably a good thing that I just stay on dry land.
But for those hearty folks that love this type of fishing, it would seem pretty cut and dry on what you could possibly expect to catch or pop up through the hole you put in the ice. But for one couple on Lake Plantagenet near Bemidji Minnesota they got quite the unexpected visitor popping in to say hello in their fish house.

Honestly, I don't know how they stayed so calm I would have run out of there so fast I probably would have knocked everything over in the process. Check out the video below;
Can you even imagine a muskrat popping his head through for a breath of air and possibly some fish from these nice folks? After the critter realizes there is no such thing as a free lunch he disappears as quickly as he came in. I did not even know muskrats could swim let alone be in that cold water under the ice.
Thankfully he went back into the hole and swam away because he has some major claws and might have really caused a scene if he decided to make himself at home inside their fish house.