Bigfoot? Howl Recorded In Northern Minnesota Will Give You Chills
Do you believe in bigfoot? It seems super silly to believe in the mystical cryptid, but there still are plenty who do. Some people devote their lives to finding evidence or spotting a sasquatch. I've been skeptical, but sometimes you see something or hear a testimony that just makes you wonder.
A while ago I put together a list of convincing bigfoot encounters by hunters in St. Louis County, Minnesota. What was compelling was the descriptions of what they saw and heard. Some of them claim they were so spooked that they never went back into the woods.
Matthew Moneymaker from the TV show Finding Bigfoot recently shared a video to his Bigfoot Research Organization on Facebook. The video was submitted to him and it was taken from someone's house near Highway 53 and Highway 8 in Saginaw, Minnesota. The video is from this February, and it was -22 F.
It's a wooded area, and you can hear in the background of the recording that vehicles are traveling on the highway in the background.

For the first few seconds, you don't hear anything remarkable. But about halfway through the video, you can hear a howl from some animal or creature that has some big pipes. The depth of the howl is amazing and also terrifying.
Moneymaker says he's heard this sound himself personally in his research, and claims that nobody can identify the animal the sound is coming from. Some people think it's a wolf howling, but I have a tough time with that. I've heard wolves howl for years, and I've never heard anything quite like this.
My guess is it's bigfoot and he's just as sick of winter as we are.
I've spent a lot of time in the woods in St. Louis County, and I can tell you that if I heard that I would be running!