Duluth, Minnesota continues to get global attention as a potential climate haven. The California wildfires put the spotlight on climate refugees again. There already have been a number of people who have relocated to Duluth, and even call it the San Francisco of the Midwest.


BBC Puts Spotlight On Duluth

The BBC interviewed several people who have relocated to different parts of the country because of climate change. One of the people they talked to was Jamie Beck Alexander who moved her family to Duluth in 2020 after being hit by three bad wildfire seasons in a row in California. They were drawn to the area by the Great Lakes water supply.

Los Angeles Recovers From Historically Devastating Wildfires
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By 2071, Half Of Freshwater Basins In the US Will Struggle To Meet Demand

Climatologists predict that the water supply will become even more appealing in the coming years. By 2071, nearly half of the freshwater basins across the country won't be able to meet monthly demands. But, places around the Great Lakes like Duluth aren't anticipated to be in crisis, thanks to the abundant fresh water. Lake Superior alone has 3 quadrillion gallons.

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Nick Cooper - TSM Duluth
Nick Cooper - TSM Duluth

Is Duluth Ready For A Population Boom?

The migration to Duluth isn't at high levels - yet. But many speculate that in 10 or 20 years it could pose a problem. Anyone trying to look for housing in recent years knows that Duluth has a crippling shortage.

Areas up the North Shore, like Two Harbors and Silver Bay, have been dealing with housing issues as well. In some cases, people have been purchasing single-family homes above market value, causing affordability issues for the local market.

Check out the article from the BBC. What do you think? Are people flocking to Duluth, or is this all smoke and mirrors?

States with the most registered hunters

Stacker analyzed data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine which states have the most registered hunters. Read on to see how your state ranks on Stacker’s list.

Gallery Credit: Meagan Drillinger