Is It Illegal To Sleep In Your Car In Minnesota?
Have you ever had to sleep in your car? Unfortunately, most of us may have had a situation where it was necessary. Maybe you're on a road trip and need to close your eyes and either don't have the money or don't want to spend it on a hotel. Perhaps you just need a quick nap at a rest area? Different states have different laws. Here's what is legal and illegal in Minnesota.
Rest Stops
According to Smart Financial, you can sleep up to four hours at one of Minnesota's rest stops. However, you cannot park your vehicle overnight at a rest stop. Commercial drivers are allowed to park and sleep for up to 10 hours.
National Forests
Minnesota has several national forests, and it is totally legal to overnight camp in your car for free as long as you follow the rules and regulations. Each national forest has its own areas that are off-limits. Some places like snowmobile parking lots also allow for overnight sleeping.
Just make sure you don't leave your car there for too long because it could be considered abandonment. Check out Boondockers Bible for more tips on this.
Cities & Municipalities Have Their Own Rules
You'll have to check with a city's ordinance to see what the rules are for parking your car. For example, in Duluth, you cannot park in a residential area for over 24 hours. Besides that, you can park on a residential street as long as you are at least 7 feet away from an alley or driveway.
Consider car camping for a cheap option
There are hundreds of car camping spots across the state of Minnesota. Most of the time a fee for overnight is around $14-20. Minnesota Camp Guide has some great resources on where to find them, and some friendly tips.
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