I-35 Northbound Lanes Closed In Duluth – Early Morning October 11
Not so fast. It seems like the new northbound lanes of I-35 within the Twin Ports Interchange Project area just opened up and now there's another closure coming that drivers will want to be aware of. This one, however, will be brief and early.
Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation are alerting drivers that northbound I-15 will close at 40th Avenue West on Tuesday morning, October 11 between the hours of 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM. This closure will affect both northbound lanes and will require a detour for drivers who are passing through.
Traffic will be directed off of northbound I-35 at this point and drivers will need to re-direct themselves back to the freeway using the city streets in the Lincoln Park neighborhood.
In addition to northbound I-35 being closed at this point, the on ramp from 40th Avenue West to northbound I-35 will also close.
Both of the closures (I-35 and the northbound ramp at 40th Avenue West) will allow work crews with the Minnesota Department of Transportation the ability to remove an existing overhead sign at the area and install a new overhead sign just south of 27th Avenue West.
The work and the installation of the new overhead sign is tied to the greater Twin Ports Interchange Project. That project is into its second year and isn't expected to wrap up until 2024. Work will continue to progress throughout the winter.
Recently, northbound traffic along I-35 was re-installed back to the newly-constructed northbound lanes, from their temporary configuration on the southbound lanes. Meanwhile, the current southbound lanes are still utilizing Lower Michigan Street. Those lanes are expected to move back to the interstate corridor at some point in the middle of October.
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