Hwy 61 Bridge Projects Open House Happens November 14
A bridge project on two different river crossings on Highway 61 will happen during the summers of 2021 and 2022. In advance of the work - and to disseminate the pertinent information, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has scheduled an open house for Thursday, November 14 - 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the American Legion in Two Harbors. A presentation is scheduled to start at 6:00 PM.
The work will happen at the Silver Creek and the Stewart River. The scope of the work is different for each bridge crossing. At the Silver Creek Bridge, MNDOT will completely replace the existing structure; at the Stewart River, the bridge that's in place will be rehabilitated, while a new bridge will be placed inland next to the existing one near Betty's Pies.
During the open house, the general public will be able to learn more about the work, ask questions, and provide feedback. To learn more about the scheduled projects, click here to visit MNDOT's project page on their website.
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