How To Make Dorito Bread; Bon Appetit Magazine Comes Under Social Media Fire For Sharing This Recipe
As a regular reader of Bon Appetit magazine, I can tell you that many of the articles and recipes that they publish have to do with the higher-end of the culinary pyramid; You won't find many tater-tot hotdish recipes within its pages. That's why I was surprised to see them share a recipe for Dorito Bread on their Facebook page over the weekend.
Apparently, I wasn't the only one who was surprised by the social-media post. The post quickly gained comments - and none of them were positive. People were taking them to task for "reaching out to the lowest common denominator".
Whatever. I say if you like a recipe, make it.
While I haven't tried this recipe for Dorito Bread (and, I don't know if I will) - I thought I would at least share it so that you, too can join in on the fun.
Click here to see the recipe.