How Much Does It Have To Snow For School To Be Cancelled?
It may not be the only though they have on their mind, but most school-age children wake up each winter morning wondering (a) if it snowed overnight and (b) if school has been cancelled. Living in the Northland, we know that it takes a fairly-sizable amount of snow to even start the closure talk; more often than not its the cold temperatures that tend to close our schools. At the same time, hearty-Northlanders often laugh at news reports from other parts of the country - especially when they close school for what we would consider a trace amount of snow.
Recently, a map has started making the rounds on the internet (on Reddit and other sources) that combines actual snow data from the NOAA and compares it to school-closure information from all around the country. The resulting map is pretty interesting (and telling).
Unfortunately, the map doesn't tell us anything we don't already know; Northlanders are a hearty bunch when it comes to winter weather.