Guess How Busy Super Bowl Sunday Will Be for Pizza Delivery Guys?
Getty Images News
It's estimated that close to 112 million football fans will be glued to the screen this Sunday to watch the big game. And guess what? They all eat! One of the most popular foods is Pizza. Some simply make them at home, but if you're having the gang over, you'll need a lot of pizza. That's what the delivery person is for, and this Sunday will be one of, if not the busiest days of the year.So whats your guess as to how much pizza sales will increase this Sunday? According to stats from Mens Health.com, 36% of Americans watch the Super Bowl. And Domino's pizza consumption is about 80 percent higher than it is on a typical Sunday. Cheer for linemen—don't eat like them. And remember, that figure is only for Domino's!