Grandma’s Marathon Gets The Green Light To Proceed
After Minnesota Governor Tim Walz loosened the Minnesota State mandates for public health guidelines and gathering, that gave permission for Grandma's Marathon to move forward.
Grandma's Marathon had several plans to move forward with, and had hired a science director in order to make sure whatever plan they went with would be the safest. Now with everything loosened, this opens up other possibilities for spectators and for the city to enjoy the race too
Executive Director Shan Bauer said in a press release, “This is a great day not just for Grandma’s Marathon but for our community as well, so many people had a hand in making this event a reality this year, and to be here today with the final approval is a testament to the effort everyone’s put in. Our staff can’t thank our state and local partners enough for their tireless work, and we look forward to once again welcoming our participants to the unofficial kickoff to summer in Duluth.”
So, this opens the door for many things to change, organizers say there is much to specify publicly as to how the Grandma's Marathon will look and function. More Updates are to come is what Public Relations Director Zach Schneider said to me. There will be more press releases for many of the activities like the Spaghetti Dinner the Essentia Health Expo and many other working parts.
Duluth Mayor Emily Larson also said it was a sigh of relief and said in the press release, “I am so excited to welcome Grandma’s Marathon back to the streets of Duluth!” She went on to say that it was hard to only do virtual events last year that the outdoor race needs outdoor events.
The updated state guidelines are great but now this will put the Grandma's staff hard at work to put on the best marathon they can. It also means letting the public know what the plan is. I you would like more info, please call the Grandma's Marathon office at (218) 727-0947 or visit