Grandma’s Marathon Deadline Is Friday, Also, Still Needing Volunteers At All Locations
Bob Gustafson called to remind those of you that have aspirations of running a marathon that you must get your application in by Friday. It's not easy, and probably those people that haven't signed up are on the fence. Well, get off the fence and make a decision.
Also, there are still volunteers needed. Along the race doing music or entertainment of some sort, and to provide some services behind the finish line.
If you do or have a talent and want to entertain along the route get on to the website and become a volunteer now. Still needed are people to hand out water, people to help clean up at the finish line. People to help people to safety at the finish line.
Here's what Bob had to say about the deadline.
If you are wondering how to make contact with your talent or what volunteers are needed here's what Bob had to say: