Goodbye To The Circle Event Scheduled At Superior High School
Construction work on the multi-year revamp for Superior High School has been progressing since it's start at the end of last summer. Students have almost gone an entire school year attending their classes in a major construction zone. Now - as the project advances - it's time for the "Circle" to disappear in order to make room on the campus.
The "Circle" has long been a favorite to alumni as the component gives a unique design element to the building. Since the redesigned plans were first presented to the public, many have lamented its eventual disappearance. To allow those in the community one last chance to see it, a special event has been put together - happening Saturday, May 12. On that date the general public will have an opportunity to walk through that part of the building from 12 Noon to 6:00 PM. Many of the classrooms will be available for touring - including the gym, old library, the science labs, the old shop classroom, the cafeteria, and the "link".
Those attending the event are asked to enter via the Catlin Avenue entrance. In addition, the schools store will be open, with merchandise available for purchase.