Get Downtown Week April 16th to April 21st
The Greater Downtown Council announced a week celebration called "Get Downtown". at downtown businesses, from April 16th to April 21st.
In order to take advantage of the sales which include some buy one get one free and other buy one gets deals, you must have a get downtown card. You can visit any participating location, or come get one at the Greater Downtown Council office located at 5 West First Street.
Consumers are encouraged to get online and visit the website here to see the businesses that are featuring a deal and locations of the businesses.
This comes when Superior Street construction starts to get underway and this is a way to let everyone know, no one is closing their doors and in fact, are featuring great deals that maybe people can get some early Christmas shopping done. (Is it too early to use that word?)
There will also be downtown people in the skywalks helping you to navigate to the stores you would like to visit.
Here's a link to the Superior Street website to follow construction details.
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