Farmer’s Market Coming Back Downtown Duluth Tuesdays
This year's Farmer's Market will look a little different but still has the same benefits as past year events.
For many people, they look forward to the Summer for the Farmer's Market. It's a chance to talk to the farmers and get ideas for preparation and for storage. It's always a chance to buy fresh from the field food to put on your table.
According to downtownduluth.com, the first Farmer's Market is July 14th and then continues every Tuesday from 11 am-1 pm at a new location, Gitchi Ode' Akiing (formerly Lake Place Park). This will offer the perfect amount of room and a central location to get you to the farmers easily. You can enter the park at 214 E. Superior Street or via the Lakewalk.
One thing that won't change is you'll find plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables with the people who have grown them. With people demanding fresher produce, and farmers trying to connect with the consumers, this is a great opportunity to ask questions and hold a conversation about growing methods for at home to start your own garden, and to ask about their growing methods too. Then you will know exactly what you are putting on your table and can prepare it so it has the most vitamins left in them without cooking them out.
Storage is always a good conversation. How long will that food last, what is the best way to store them so that it will last and still be fresh?
To get more details, visit the Greater Downtown Council's website.