Everyone Invited To Help Clean Up Skyline Parkway
It's getting to be that time of year to start thinking ahead to getting the leaves and garbage off the side of the road to enjoy the natural drive of Skyline Parkway
The Duluth Experience, DuluthParksMN, Ursa Minor Brewing, Duluth Huskies, and Duluth Whole Foods Co-op are asking for volunteers for The 3rd Annual Skyline Parkway Spring Cleanup.
They are hoping for a huge turnout for the 3rd Annual Skyline Parkway Spring Cleanup, and really there should be a good one. If everyone took a took a little of the walk and cleaned that area it would go fast and cover a large area.
The Clean up isn't for a while, but there is a way to RSVP so that this can get organized. Use their Facebook page to say you are going and leave messages.
Here's the layout of the day. Everyone will meet April 26th (Sunday) at the Ursa Minor Brewing (2415 West Superior Street in Duluth), there will be a Duluth Experience shuttle that will take everyone to the cleanup locations.
All the supplies will be provided by the City of Duluth. The part of Skyline Parkway that the group will concentrate on is from Haines Road to the Twin Ponds area. (If the turnout is good!) Clean up will be from 1 pm - 4 pm, with a party after from 4-5 pm at Ursa Minor with food, drinks, and a raffle.
Volunteers should dress for the weather, bring a bottle of water, gloves, and wear sturdy, closed-toe footwear.
Questions? Contact The Duluth Experience: outreach@theduluthexperience.com