Duluth Rowing Club Hosting Open House This Weekend
The Duluth Rowing Club is looking for individuals who want to be a part of a long tradition in the twin ports. The Duluth Rowing club is made up of both recreational and competitive rowers and they will be holding their annual open house and looking to raise some funds for the upcoming rowing season. You're invited to an open house from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at its beautiful facility at 3900 Minnesota Avenue in Park Point. This is an opportunity to tour the new Duluth Rowing Center, find out about youth and adult rowing programs, meet the rowing coach and other rowers, and discover the benefits of rowing. Recreational and competitive rowing programs are available. More information is available at duluthrowing.org.
According to the Duluth Rowing Club website, they are offering a beginners course for adults on the fundamentals of rowing as an introduction to the sport of rowing. The goal of this class is to teach adults the skills they need to continue rowing for fitness and fun. Rowing is a great full body workout and a non-impact activity. It is also an excellent way to cross-train for other sports such as running or skiing.
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