Duluth Plans Repairs To Flood-Damaged Brighton Beach Road, In The Works Since 2018
It's been a long time coming, but Duluth leaders are hopeful that they'll make progress soon.
The flooding event that happened in the fall of 2018 caused "significant property and lakeshore damage and erosion, especially along the shores of Lake Superior". The excessively high waves and flooding associated with that winter storm on October 10, 2018, also did damage at Kitchi Gammi Park and Brighton Beach.
During the storm, the roadway that runs through Kitchi Gammi Park experienced significant damage; the wind and waves deposited large amounts of storm debris and caused extensive erosion to the road and the shoreline of Brighton Beach. Since that time the city has had to deal with safety concerns as a result.
To repair the damage, the City of Duluth applied for federal assistance. The application to FEMA's Public Assistance Program was to "underwrite the proposed project to repair damages and mitigate against future damages by relocating the road". That relocation effort has started, but there are some advanced tasks that need to be addressed.
As part of that process, an Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This Environmental Assessment is available for public review and commentary - for a period of 30 days. That 30-day period closes on February 15, 2023. You can review the document on FEMA's website or by going to the City of Duluth's website. There is also a hard copy available for public review at City Hall: 411 West First Street, Room 100 (Construction Services and Inspections), and Room 160 (Planning). City leaders have also made it available at the Duluth Public Library: 520 West Superior Street.