Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation are working to get the word out about an upcoming intersection closure that will affect local traffic near the Twin Ports Interchange Project.

According to details being shared by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the local intersection at 22nd Avenue West and First Street will be closed starting Monday, May 16.  During the closure, drivers who would normally utilize that intersection will be detoured to West Superior Street to go around the blockage.

The closure is being necessitated by work on the multi-year Twin Ports Interchange Project (Can of Worms).  As the summer road construction season ramps up again, crews with the Minnesota Department of Transportation need to gain access to various parts of the work zone that have been primarily open up until this point.  This particular closure will allow for work crews to tie the existing Coffee Creek storm sewer into the new storm sewer system that was installed for under 22nd Avenue West last fall.

Can of Worms interchange Interstate 35 (I-35) and US Highway 53 in Duluth, MN
Nick Cooper - TSM Duluth

MNDOT officials did not include an estimated timetable for the length of this particular intersection closure as part of their communication.

Complete details about the multi-year Twin Ports Interchange Project, as well as any of the road construction work coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, can be found on their website.  That's where you'll find pages and resources on all of the individual projects. In addition, MNDOT also has up-to-the-minute traffic condition reports for both the metro area of the Twin Cities as well as greater out-state Minnesota.

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