Duluth Residents Get Free Tax Prep Help With Community Action
It's tax time and that's a commitment for most individuals; especially since many people aren't comfortable doing them by themselves. While some individuals calculate their taxes out by hand for free, it seems like most use commercially-available online software or they choose to hire someone to prepare their returns for them; both of these options include a fee.
It's that fee that can be an obstacle for some - no matter what their income level.
To help out, Community Action Duluth is offering their free tax site to offer assistance. The tax site will open on February 1, 2022 and provide both in-person and virtual options with staff and volunteers; there will also be an option to file for free on your own.
The in-person clinics have been scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays, with appointment times from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM and on Saturday's from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. It's worth noting that these appointment times for in-person are subject to change due to staffing and community rates of COVID-19. Additionally, both volunteer staff and clients are asked to follow all current Minnesota Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control guidelines as they pertain to COVID-19. Masks and social distancing are being required by all.
Tax assistance from Community Action is free of charge and open to individuals and families with annual incomes up to $58,000. Assistance to make the program available comes from a variety of volunteers and support agencies. All volunteers share their time and are IRS-certified. Funding and resources come from IRS VITA, the Minnesota Department of Revenue, Northland Foundation, Lloyd K Johnson Foundation, and a variety of other supporters.