Devon Worley Band Plays Secret Locations Weekly
Since this band isn't working they decided to use their imaginations, and play somewhere different in the world on Thursdays.
Jamey Worley, their manager said they started kicking around the idea to do a world tour around the time bars had started canceling, then when the Governor said to stay home, they decided to unleash themselves on the world.
Devon, Adam, Jason, and Grant play, then they give hints where in the world they are playing. They even say, if this lasts, maybe they will play the Moon or Pluto. Why not? It's all imagination.
The best part is, fans can help the band and have some fun and buy a world tour t-shirt at the end of the tour April 23rd and it will show every city they have "played".
The Devon Worley band plays the area and has made appearances at Bayfront for The Tributefest, and Grandma's Bigtop for the Marathon, among other places around town. Their 3 albums have forged a style all their own with "Careful What You Ask For", "Silver Creek" and their latest offering "The Sunrise Resistance"

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