City of Superior Closes All Playgrounds and Dog Park
The City of Superior has announced that the WI Governors 'Safer at Home Order' will force the closure of playgrounds and the city's dog park.
Effective at 8 AM on March 25th, all City of Superior playgrounds, dog park, pavilions and restrooms are closed. This shut down does NOT include trails, open spaces, beaches, and parks.
The National Parks and Recreational Association has issued the following recommendations for continued use of parks, open spaces, and trails
- Refrain from using parks or trails if they are exhibiting symptoms.
- Follow CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to and during use of parks or trails.
- Prepare for limited access to public restrooms or water fountains.
- While on trails, warn other users of their presence and as they pass, and step aside to let others pass.
- Follow CDC guidance on the recommended size of social gatherings including outdoor picnicking, pick-up sports and other group hangouts, and maintain proper physical distance at all times.
- Observe CDC’s minimum recommended social distancing of 6 feet from other individuals at all times. If this is not possible, users should find an alternate location or depart that space.