City Of Superior Alters Garbage Schedule For Labor Day Holiday
Similar to the way they have in years past, the City of Superior will alter their garbage collection schedule due to the Labor Day holiday next week. While the holiday falls on Monday, the changes will affect over the course of two days.
Residents who usually have their garbage picked up on Monday are asked to have their dumpster containers out to the usual spot by 7:00 AM on Tuesday, September 5. All other residents can expect to have their trash collected on the usual days - however there may be delays from the usual time that the collection truck comes.
In addition to the trash schedule change, all city offices and the Public Works department will be closed on Monday, September 4. Also, the landfill will be closed in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
Recycling pickup - which is handled by Hartels/DBJ - will be delayed by one day for the holiday.
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