Can You Catch COVID-19 From Mosquitoes or Ticks?
It's getting to be that season when we get out into nature (even while we are social distancing), get off our couch, and breathe clean air. This is one of the most asked questions to health officials.
Let's get right to the answer, NO! Both of these seasonal pests get on to your skin and burrow to some extent, but that doesn't mean they are carriers of the COVID-19 virus.
According to Health.com, Dr. Emily Gallichotte PHD (a postdoctoral researcher in the department of microbiology, immunology, and pathology at Colorado State University) said to Health.com that the beginning of COVID-19 is the SARS-CoV2 and it is a respiratory virus and it rarely does.
Kimberly Pattison, Program Manager for Communicable Disease with El Paso County Public Health told FOX21 in Colorado that it is transmitted person to person, that at this time there is no proof that you can get the virus from any bite from either pest.
Although the argument is that mosquitoes do carry viruses like Zika, West Nile, Chikungunya, dengue, and malaria, Mosquito squad says this is not the same kind of virus. Again, let me stress that the COVID-19 virus is a respiratory virus and is mostly passed from person to person.
Both the World Health Organization and the CDC have put special postings up on their websites dispelling the rumor that it can be passed from a mosquito bite or tick bite. The American Mosquito Control Organization has also weighed in and said it is nearly impossible to get the Corona Virus from a Mosquito or Tick bite and there is no proof available to refute that statement. they also refer people to the WHO and CDC websites to find more information.
For right now it is a myth, and there are many myths about COVID-19. Here is all the Mythbusters for the virus on the World Health Organization's page.

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